Laos' SEZ int'l border project to attract more visitors

2023-08-16 19:14:10 来源:中国—东盟博览会


The Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GTSEZ) International Border and Port Construction projects in northern Laos" Bokeo province are expected to be completed at the end of 2024, with the aim of attracting more visitors.

Construction of the two projects is underway after beginning on May 5, according to a report by Bokeo newspaper on Friday.


Located on the Mekong River, the projects are expected to open for use by the end of 2024, providing faster and more convenient services for visitors.

The projects comprise a border entry and exit hall, a police office, a tax office, a coffee shop, and other facilities. There will also be a large parking lot, landscaped with ornamental fountains, trees and flowers.

The gateway to the main office building has been designed in a mix of traditional Lao and modern architectural styles.

The operators of the GTSEZ are engaged in extensive infrastructure developments, including the new Bokeo International Airport, which is now more than 90 percent complete and is scheduled to open at the end of 2023.

The airport will be able to accommodate large aircraft including the Boeing 747 and Airbus 320. It is already operating flights between Lao capital Vientiane and Bokeo.

Source: Xinhua



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