speak to sth 说明_speak to sth|天天视讯

2023-06-28 05:58:13 来源:互联网


1、.Mom allow me to watch TV. 妈妈允许我去看电视。

2、 2.Teacher allow me to speak in the classroom. 老师允许我在教室里说话。

3、 3.Tom allow me to wear the shirt to the party. Tom允许我穿T恤去聚会. 1.I am allowed to get out on the school nights. 我是被允许在上学的晚上出门的. 2.I am allowed to watch TV on school nights. 我是被允许在上学的晚上看电视的. 3.I am allowed to study with friend. 我是被允许跟朋友一起学习的/.。


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